Wednesday, April 30, 2014



Please register with The Mercy St FRC, at or by calling 650-967-4813

Families may attend only ONE Play and Learn class per week at any of our centers.

New/Limited Time Classes & Events

Let’s get Moooving! Fun in the Sun
Date: May 2 – June 20, 2014
Time: 10:00am – 11:30am
Cost: $3 per class per child (children 1 and under are free). 
Purchase fun pass for $20 (8 sessions)
Address: Wilson Park, 19784 Wintergreen Drive, Cupertino (meet at the gated playground)
Notes: Includes playground exploration, music & movement, story time and art project. Parents encouraged to move with kids. No registration required. Please bring water and wear sun protection. Wear comfortable clothing. Fun pass is nonrefundable and cannot be transferred to other programs. 

SIEMBRA/SEEDS of Early Literacy (Spanish)
Date: Fridays, April 4 – May 9, 2014 (5 weeks – no class on 4/18 Spring Break)
Time: 9:00am – 11:00am
Address: Vargas Elementary, 1054 Carson Drive, room 15, Sunnyvale, CA
Notes: Registration required. Children will have learning opportunities (stories, crafts and songs) while parents are in class. Must register by April 1.

Father’s Group
Date: Tuesdays and Thursdays starting 4/28 (Tuesday) through 6/10 (13 sessions)
Time: 6:30-8:30PM
Address: Vargas Elementary, 1054 Carson Drive, room 15, Sunnyvale, CA
Notes: Call Francisco Hernandez if you would like to join at 650-967-4813 or send him an email at

Bombay Jam
Date: Thursdays ongoing.
Time: 4:00pm – 5:00pm
Address: Vargas Elementary, 1054 Carson Drive, room 15, Sunnyvale, CA
Fee: $1 per person No childcare, but supervised children may dance (not play) in the room. Teacher: Sharmila Gopinathan. Must sign a waiver for participation. Please wear comfortable clothing and appropriate shoes for dancing on carpet.

Ongoing Classes at Vargas Elementary FRC

Play & Learn (English)
Led by volunteers Iris and Leslie
Date: Tuesdays
Time: 4:00pm-6:00pm
Address: Vargas Elementary, 1054 Carson Drive, room 15, Sunnyvale, CA
Notes: No registration required. This class is first come, first served for the first 15 children / 30 people (due to the classroom size, for safety reasons). Plan to arrive at least 15 minutes early (or 30 to secure a spot) – it will most likely fill each week.

Bilingual Storytime (Spanish/English)
Led by volunteer Marti
Date: Fridays
Time: 4:00pm-5:00pm
Address: Vargas Elementary, 1054 Carson Drive, Sunnyvale, CA
Notes: No registration required. This class is first come, first served for the first 15 children / 30 people (due to the classroom size, for safety reasons). Plan to arrive at least 15 minutes early (or 30 to secure a spot) – it will most likely fill each week.