Wednesday, April 2, 2014

April Overview

CHAC/FIRST 5 Presents: Your March Overview
Greetings Families, Partners, and LTI Community

April is here, and we are finally getting some much needed rain. In between showers, have you been showing your children the budding trees and flowers? Have you noticed together how the birds are singing? What kinds of outdoor fun do you enjoy as a family? Bike rides? Hikes? Shoreline Lake? Parks? Rancho San Antonio? So much to do. We hope you enjoy each moment.

Here’s this month’s news

Mercy’s presentation on brain & body development was a huge success. Presenters Maddi Pascua MA, ATR and Melissa Kelley MA MFTI gave so much great information that was practical and useful that everyone agreed they must have a part 2! Stay tuned for an announcement for the next presentation, and thank you to all who attended.

Our Spring Planting Party atMercy was a blast. 20 children and their caregivers made for a full and lively event. This year it was organized by Science Kids Teacher Aliza Savransky with special lessons about natural science. We also had a special guest from the Public Health Department, Jessica Soldavini, MPH, RD, who had activities about eating healthy from the garden.

We look forward to watching our garden grow!

New Services Coming to our Centers in April. CHAC is proud to announce the launch of the VIEW program as a wonderful addition to our FIRST 5 programming.

VIEW is a program that helps families find new ways of managing stress and challenges by using the latest developments in neuroscience. There has been a lot of research that has come out, especially in the last 10 years, about the brain and nervous system, and what happens when we are stressed.

For example, when we have chronic stress, it feels the same to our brain as a life threat, so signals go out for fight, flight or freeze, while other things like learning, organizing, and reasoning are less available. Body systems like digestion might slow down to help the body prepare to protect itself, and circulation will focus on big muscles and lungs rather than fingers and toes (are your fingers and toes often cold?)

Long term stress is especially problematic because the body does not completely relax in between stressful events. This puts a very big strain on the body and especially on young, developing systems.

So what does this mean? Fatigue, short-temper, getting sick often, and even things like depression or anxiety can result. Children might be having behavior problems in school, like hitting, meltdowns, or difficulty separating. These things in turn can increase the anxiety and tension in the home.

VIEW offers consultations to help identify ways for you and your child to deal with stress in a completely different way. Some of the techniques we use are similar to those used in occupational therapy to help with sensory integration and nervous system settling. Other things are simple tools we can give you to practice at home to identify stress differently and change the way you relate to the signals your body gives you to notify you about stress levels.

We also offer therapeutic services in which we work with a child or adult (or both together) to actively help reduce the stress over time. This is great support for making long-term changes. It is especially beneficial when there has been a specific trauma, including anything from a difficult birth, surgeries, falls, moves, separations from caregivers (including adoptions), or anything that caused stress in the family.

Coming this summer, we will offer group classes to learn about combating stress, as well as social skills groups for young children.

If you are interested in speaking to one of our staff about a FREE 30 minute consultation, please contact Brandy at 650-967-4813. Please note this program is not funded by FIRST 5. Sessions with one of our highly skilled clinicians start at $95 per hour. A sliding scale is available for families in need.

Check out this article about sensitive children. If it sounds familiar, the VIEW program could be for you.

Community Worker Francisco Hernandez featured on FIRST 5 Website. A year ago, Francisco Hernandez was bringing his daughter to classes at FIRST 5 in West San Jose and volunteering for the program. FIRST 5 captured this great moment with his daughter. Now Francisco is one of our staff Community Workers, teaching classes and building connections with families and especially other fathers. If you know a father who would be interested in joining Francisco’s group for dads in Sunnyvale, you can contact him at 650-967-4813 or See more information on the class for fathers below.

New! Father’s Group starts this month in Sunnyvale. Community Worker Francisco Hernandez will lead Spanish speaking dads on Tuesday and Thursday evenings starting 4/29 from 6:30pm-8:30pm. They will gather to talk about being a dad and learn about their child’s development. Dads will meet through June 10.

[updated information] Registration required. Call 650-967-4813 for more information and registration.

SEEDS/SIEMBRA Class teaches parents how to help their kids with language and reading skills from birth. Did you know from the first time you give your child a soft book (and they put it in their mouth), you have introduced them to reading? Learn about the link between your close connection and your child’s lifelong love of reading and learning in this 5-week class. Children will have separate literacy and learning activities in the same room. At Vargas Elementary, Room 15. Starts April 4 from 9:00am-11:00am. In Spanish. Please register by April 1.

Want to learn more about early literacy and the word gap? Watch this powerful 5 minute video:

Here are some key things we liked:
  • "If we really want to make a change, preschool is too late. It really begins with parent talk age 0-3" 
  • "Keep talking to them even if they're not talking back,” 
  • “TV doesn't work."

First Mercy Street FRC “I’m Ready for Kindergarten” class graduates with fanfare and fun. Community Worker Jeanette Santana, lead CCP/Teacher Guadalupe Romo, along with teachers Alejandra and Lina Rappaport. said that children grew a lot in the 8 week period. “Many of them were separating from their parents for the first time. It’s normal that they would be upset in the beginning, but after the third week, all of them were relaxed and enjoying the class.” Parents are always surprised by how much their children can do on their own. This class is a great opportunity to see what is possible for their children at their stage of development, and to give them appropriate challenges so that they can stretch themselves. Congratulations to the children, parents and teachers for a wonderful class.

Volunteering at Mercy Street is FUN! Do you have some free time to volunteer? Friends or grandparents who have time during the day to help? We have a wide variety of volunteer activities available, from preparing art projects for classes to assisting in classes, office work and outreach. It really does take a village to support our young people. Come to our next volunteer meeting Monday April 7 from 10-11:30 to hear more, or contact Volunteer Coordinator, Nancy Doan at 650-967-4813. Registration required by April 4 (childcare available).

We are continuing our tradition of offering gratitude each month. There are a lot of reasons to express and model gratitude to our children. Here is a fun link with pictures that show some of the benefits of giving thanks.

This month we’d like to thank Summer Winds, Home Depot and Lowes for their generous donations of materials for our garden and planting party. We are so grateful to organizations that support the important work we do. Thanks too to our FRC Administrator, Ana Valle, for developing relationships with these stores an acquiring so many wonderful donations. THANK YOU!!

Holidays and Scheduled Closings:
Here is a list of upcoming days we will be closed and class cancelations. Please watch our calendars for unexpected closings, such as teacher illness.

4/7 – 4/11 Spring Break in Mountain View. All classes canceled at Mercy and Escuela
4/14 – 4/18 Spring Break in Sunnyvale and Cupertino. All classes canceled at Vargas and Canon Music
5/7 – Volunteer meeting – Wednesday Play and Learn at Mercy is canceled

What’s NEW for April?

Mountain View

Science Kids Coming Soon to Mountain View! Thursdays, from May 1 to June 19, 10:00am-11:30am. Get your lab coats ready – Science Kids will be coming to Mountain View on Thursdays starting in May. Class is for children ages 3-5 (sorry, no siblings).  Includes basics of numbers, shapes & colors; the world around us; science skills: measuring and more. Cost is $25 for the series. Space is limited to the first 15 children/30 people. By Aliza Savransky. 8 weeks. (Lab coats not required) ;)


Bombay Jam: Thursdays throughout March, 4:00pm-5:00pm. Cost $1 per person. Join this fun filled Bollywood dance inspired class for adults and children (must be supervised by an adult). Easy to learn, great exercise and infectiously fun. Please wear comfortable clothing and shoes that will work with carpet. All attendees must sign a waiver prior to participating. No registration required.

Science Kids: Thursdays, 10:00am-11:30am. February 27- April 3. Science exploration for preschoolers ages 3-5. Includes basics of numbers, shapes & colors; the world around us; science skills: measuring and more. This class is first come, first served for the first 14 children/28 people (due to the classroom size, for safety reasons).By Aliza Savransky. 6 weeks. Fee is $3 per child per class to cover supplies, or buy the whole series by the first class and get 1 class free ($15 for the series) Cash or checks made out to CHAC. Drop-ins only if space available at 10am. If you buy a series, you must arrive by 10:00am or you lose your space (sorry, no refunds). Series passes are not transferrable.

Movetrition – with a Twist: Fridays, 2:00pm – 3:30pm. March 7 – April 11 (6 weeks). Movetrition is a health program that teaches nutrition through movement. This is Movetrition with a twist - parents will also learn positive parenting skill building throughout the class. For more information call 650-967-4813 or email No registration required. Space is limited to first 15 families each week.

Did you know about our FIRST 5 partners in Sunnyvale?
Find calendars for the FIRST 5 FRC at Fairwood Elementary here

Monthly Play and Learn Class at Calabasas Library! Second Thursday of every month, 10:30am-12 noon. Mark your calendars: 4/10, 5/8 and beyond! Address: Calabasas Library, 1230 S Blaney Ave, San Jose, CA


Volunteers Needed! Do you have a few hours a week you that you can spare? Do you want to give back to your community? Do you want to make an impact in the lives of young children and their families? Do you want to expand your knowledge of early childhood development? Do you have expert knowledge that you can teach to our families? Come join our team. If you are interested and/or want more information on our fabulous volunteer program, please send an email to Nancy Doan at nancydoan5@gmail.comThanks for considering – the success of our program depends on Volunteers!  Together we make the difference.


Like us on Facebook! Did you know we have a Facebook page? We post interesting tips, videos, information on local events, and more. Please “like” us and help our online community grow. Find us by typing “Mercy Street Family Resource Center” in the search bar or (click)

Volunteer Network! CHAC/FIRST 5 Volunteers, stay connected on all our volunteer news, updates, training opportunities, and more! You can take part in our Facebook Volunteer Group. Find us by typing "" in the search bar or click


Feedback: Do you have comments that you would like to send the staff?   Please send us a note